Week 9 Free Choice

Hello this week we have been doing a explanation on why Timor Leste need our money ? Here it is. I hope you like it.

Timor leste why they need our money?
Timor leste is a small country located south of philippines and north of australia. Timor leste as of 2016 has a population of 1.269 million. Timor leste is a 3rd world country in need of our help because they are struggling to development they need our money for shelter, education, food and water.
The people of Timor leste need our money for food because they have lack of energy for there daily lives because 37.4 percent of the Timor Leste population live under the international poverty line of 1.25$ per day. There for 40 percent of the population is malnourished. They also need our money to grow their own food for some of the food is sourced for Portuguese and Indonesia. Another reason as to why they need our money's is for fishing nets for they have a lack of fishing nets to catch fish.
The people of Timor Leste need water filters to make water more drinkable.People of Timor Leste also need water filters because they do not have steady and consistent drinkable.For some villages it is easy to collect water because it comes from the mountains. But for some villages it is not easy for them to get water because for them it is limited.
95 percent of Timor Leste population attending schools from 5 to 15 the schools either got destroyed during the Indonesian withdrawal also. 95 percent of the schools in Timor Leste have either been burnt down or looted Timor Leste need our money to improve the security of there schools to stop this from happening
Thank you for reading. What would you try and raise money for ?


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