Free Choice Blog
Hello, Today I will be sharing with you my first main point for my speech and as you know if you have seen my Speech Topic blog I have put my introduction and now I have done my first main point. It is about Hitler and what he did that was so terrible. Intro Picture this you get woken up by the sound of loud sirens, two men smash down the door and are carrying huge guns they tell you to get your pyjamas on and step into this massive chamber. Suddenly this weird white kind of fog comes in under the door and through the two small vents, its gas, you struggle to hold your breath, you wonder why is this happening to you? should it happen to you? What do you think ? What would you do ? Hi my name is Reuben and today I would like to share with you my thoughts about racism. First point: Hitler, Hitler is a perfect example of racism. He came up with a crazy idea to breed a society that he believed was ‘superior’ and was of pure blood. He believed that the race had to...