Volunteering Week

Last week everyone in Kaupeka hub has to do a morning or an afternoon of service. The different task we could do was Graffiti Removal, Making packages for the food bank, organizing curtains for the curtain bank. The task I was set with was the curtain bank it was really fun knowing that you were doing this for a good cause. The curtain bank is about making curtain and selling them for a low price so family's can have curtains in there house that will protect them from the cold. We were put in buddy's and my buddy was Charlie. We work at 9:00 to 11:30 and we had a lunch break at 10:00, there was about 3 or 4 people there and there were all woman. They were really nice and helped you if you needed help, they were also masters at measuring curtains. Have you ever been to the curtain bank before?


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