
Showing posts from July, 2019

Fitness Circuit

Hello, This term we had to make our own fitness circuit. We had to make it in our PBL groups and in my PBL group I have Nasili and Flynn. Me Flynn and Nasili did ours on basketball. I hope you like it. Have you ever made a fitness circuit?

PBL Driving Question

Hello, Today we found out our PBL driving question for term 3. Our driving question is What will the future ask of us? We have been doing some talking and reaching. We had to get into a group of four with two girls and two boys I went with Finn, Beccy and Joanna we talked about what are some of the biggest problems in our world. We thought that these where some of the biggest problems that our world is facing today, climate change, over popularity, terrorism, metal heath and discrimination. We also looked at the skill set that we need in the future. The skills that we thought you would need were creativity, uniqueness, reliability, adaptability and a strong work ethic. I am not sure what our final project will look like but I can't wait to find out. I will try to keep you updated.  What do you think the world biggest problem is? Picture by Lil Dicky Earth ( Official Music Video )